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Jordi Corbilla Photography
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Street kiss

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Taken on: May 6, 2017
Sets appears in:   Barcelona May 2017    more than 300 likes    more » more than 200 likes    more than 100 likes    More than 10.000 views    « less
Groups appears in:   image manipulations - please comment other pix    The Photographer's Club    more » Emotions    Amateur Digital Photography/Help and Ideas    Adobe PhotoShop Creations    Experimental Dream    FlickrCentral    DeviantArt    Nikon Digital    ART DISTRICT    Art and Artists.    Photography    Nikon    internet artists gallery    deviantART Deviants    UK Flickr users    日本語flick'r    Art of Photography - The Eye of the Beholder!    YayHooray!    The Unofficial JPG Magazine Group    Love your images    Photography Critiques    Zona libre    urban explorers    Magic Moments    日本語を使うぞ〜    Artistic Photography    "10"    Metaphotography    Poetry and Photographs, not just photographs.    フリッカー    Photography Students    Your Postcard Shot    白黒写真    raw photography    AMaZiNG    Young Photographers    Most Photographed    █████ ☁ Flickr Anti-Social ☁ █████    !FlickrSoup for Soul    Amateurs    Creative    favorite    #flickr    Moments    visit the world - the travel guide    iFlickr    A P P R E C I A T I O N    Flickr-Yahoo Coalition    La foto de la semana    A Picture of Life    Pro Corner: Semi-Pro and Professional Photography / Photographer    Photos Around The World    Your Favorite Photos - Unlimited!    Photographers and Models    One a Day    Teenagers on Flickr    1-2-3    GeoTagging Flickr    Flickr Wow (2 posts per day please)    Travel Photography    Flickr Fun (Please Read NEW Rules!!)    Associated Photographers    Conceptual photography    Nikkor    Nikon World    Glamour Photography [ No Serials, Plz Read ]    Anything fantastic - 1 pic / day    Creative Photography    Beginner to Intermediate Photography    The FLICKYS 2014 - (Coming Soon!)    Imagination    Flickritis: over 87,000 waiting for a vaccine.    Just Photos. [No AI or SL]    ?!Funny Nihongo/オモシロにほんご    TRAVELPIX    GREATPIX    100 Club (All pics must have been 'Favorited' at least 100 times    Photo of the day    STUNNINGCOLORSPIX    Artistic Shot    PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS    Most Interesting    100 views + 10 favourites (unlimited)    A different point of view!    I love FOTOGRAFIA    Photography Corner    ****Every picture tells a story****    flick magazine covers    Sports Photographers    100 Views    Nikon Digital SLRs    FlickrToday (only 1 pic per day)    Well Done.    FlickrFotoForum    This    400 views    Total Photography (No AI or SL)    without rules    Professional Photography    VOGUE    Flickr, let's make it a better place!    100 faves    Nice pictures    Street Art on Flickr    600 views or more    My best    Moments in life...    Amateur Shutterbugs    影像日记    中途半端な写真好き☆    ANYTHING ALLOWED!!!!!!    COLOR [directory] 色    poetic moments    My Everyday Life    ANY PHOTOS ALL THE TIME!!!!    Amateur Photographers    A Moment Captured...    Nikon DSLR Users    digital photography for everyone    Photos with emotions    100 Favorites    Amateur Nation    I love Flickr!    Your photo goes here! no 30/60    FOTOGRAFÍA, aprendamos juntos    Nikon DSLR 中文版    Armchair Traveler Tourbook    INTeNSE    Poetic Photography    Beginners Only    Beginners, hoping for Feedback    Photoshop Support Group    Life is Art!    Traveller's World    Nikon Lenses users    Cinematic Photography    Nikonians    Anything Goes No Limits    LightSource    NIKON Gears    *GreatPixGallery 10 Faves+    *GreatPixGallery 20 Faves+    *GreatPixGallery 50 Faves+    Photography Gallery (3 photos/day)    Just me and my camera !    CLICK the CAMERA    Lifestyle / 生活    The World Through My Eyes ...    amateur hour    DESIGN IS LOVE ™    *** 2000 Photostream Views *** (Max 5 per month)    Flickr clickr    Young Travelers of the World Unite!    Views 100    Views 1000    Views 4000    MAX Magazine    * Travel Photography for World Nomads *    Challenge this If you Can??(Invite all your CONTACTS)    fine-art    Amateur Photographers United    *Expressionist Photography (Post 1 Comment 2)    500+ Views -Any Kind Photos (Limit 3 Per Day) Opted out of 30/60    1,000+ Views Any Kine Photos (Limit 3 Per Day)    $how me the money--post your most viewed pic--300 views minumum    Your mind, your photos    >INSPIRE Collective    Domino Magazine    * Flickr en Español    see-magazine 囍 雜誌    Beautiful Views    Beginners Digital Photography: Tips_Tricks_Hints    CentralFlickr    Photographic Excellence / NO PEOPLE SHOTS!    flickrFRESH    50 faves (No SL/computer generated images please).    Flickers Photo Club V3.0    **El fotógrafo satisfecho//The satisfied photographer    Your world! Only colorful pictures!    `No Rules!    Views: 5000    珍視台灣    ART - Whatever you like! [P1-C2]    *Really Unlimited*    *Inspirational Travel Photos    Adobe Photoshop CS (all CS versions)    Photography Central    100 CLUB    Fast Nikkors ( <= f/2.8 ) wide open    My Favourite    Cool Britannia - The Best of British on Flickr    Digital Photography School    Outdoor Photography    A MILLION FLICKS    finally we are no one    The Flikr Group    Adobe Masters    Explore/INTERESTINGNESS Group    Digital Photo Magazine (UK) [ unofficial ]    10 Million Photos    TRAVEL Photography!    ANYTHING & EVERYTHING PHOTOGRAPHIC / NO SL/AI    Depth of Field    !!Free Zone!!No RuleS    Freshcut Magazine    Flickr Smileys    * 20 COMMENTS and up    ::Free Your Mind::    Aspiring Young Photographers    Photoshop Professionals    Nikon photos    And    Amazing!!!    Photos with 1000 views (and more)    minimum 1000 views    minimum 2000 views    Canon / Nikon Amateur Gallery    Magazine Art    *Karma*    Flickr VOGUE    NIKON PROFESSIONAL    minimum 1500 views    A MOMENT OF LIFE    Tutoriales de Fotografía    Joves Catalans    Facebook    ESPECTACULAR.    Emotive Photographs    canceld    Linux Flickrs    Favorite Pictures    The Photo Critique Forum    Nikon f/2.8 & f/1.4    Flickrobsession / Flickrmania    Art is Art    * OUR WONDERFUL WORLD *    ! ART & PHOTOGRAPHY ! All artistic works welcome    World Wide Photographers    Nikon Cafe    All Day I Dream About Photography    1 day we'll have the most photos on Flickr    Filipino Photographers    VirusPhoto    All interesting shots- NO RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!    Adorn Magazine    Am I talented ? From amateur to professional    Welcome To My World (WTMW)    Magazine Deziner    Flickr's FAV : 100    Explore This    ~600 to 700~    Life Through My Viewfinder    The Flickr Portrait Gallery    "Inspirational Photos Group"    DOF Junkies    Nylon Magazine    !~ Photo Manipulation ~!    all photo    Nikkor on Canon    "I AM TELLING YOU A STORY HERE. CAN YOU SEE IT?"    **FlickrsBest**    Fotografia lo que se te antoje    I bring my camera everywhere (no 30/60 limit)    You Think this is Art    NIKON USERS ONLY    'What Digital Camera' flickr group    Fotográfos Apasionados, PHOTOGRAPHY LOVER'S (All World)    WowieKazowie!    PHOTOSHOP is not a DIRTY WORD (Post 1 - comment 1)    F O T O C L U B E . c o m . b r    Beautiful Capture    Flickr-Fotografen- Deutschland    WORLD PICTURE / Challenge and Award    *Flickr en català!    Art of Photography    Get noticed    Rate My Photograph Now!    カメラ日和    *Flickr Photo Award*    Flickr Elite Group    New to Flickr    Anything Digital [No AI or SL]    "Exemplary Shots - Flickr's BEST! (Post 1 Award 3)"    A Shot a Day ... Or So    Nikon en Español    Call to Artists    Fotografe Melhor    So simple, so beautiful!    Young Minds    OjoDigital    Your Best Photography    Lightroom + Photoshop    Fotógrafos Españoles    FREE*    No Flickr censorship!    *Best of Flickr* (Comment 1 / invite 2) PHOTOS ONLY    Por Amor al Arte    i-D Magazine    TODE Fine Art Photography Gallery    Viajar / Travel    A Vista de Objetivo    Flickrs heaven- post one- give 5 angels    Flickriver    Magazine Group    Flickrmania    Nikon Digital Learning Center    *THE PERFECT PHOTOGRAPHER (P1/A2)    We travel the World    PHOTO NOW    Nikon - Pixelistes - Portal Nikonistes    DIYPhotography    Your Visions    Creative Photo Group_ BASIC (P1-C3)    PhotoPlus Magazine    Discovery Photos: Post 1, Vote for 3    " Damn Cool Photographers in the WORLD " .♥.♥.♥    WellTaken    Your best photo on Flickr    Nikon DX    Something very special * / Comment on pictures you like.    Better Than Good    Flickr Fine Art Portrait Gallery    Photos That Rock! Comment 2    Post The Best    Xataka Foto    1-2-3 Nikon    kwerfeldein: die flickr gruppe    unofficial digital camera magazine group    World Photography - Public Photos - Traveling - Life    Revista de fotografía contemporánea AULAFOTO    flickr photo group    5 Million Photos    **Flickrian Delirium**    *fotos simples/ simple photos* ( post all,comment on 1)    " MASTER CLASS PHOTOGRAPHY "    *-Magic Moments-*    FOTÓGRAFOS HISPANOS    Dragon Gold Award " The Best Of Flickr "    FOTO APRENDIZAJE    Principiantes en Réflex    ALL Welcome - I am sick of 'rules and regulations - New Contest    The way I notice this world    " Life Is Great - C'est La Vie - So ist das Leben !"    Beautiful Photos Only ( Post 1 Award 3 )    Photographes & modeles    - - - - Dreamland - - - - -    flickr in full color [No Black & White !]    Dcmag    FOTO mania    Nikon Passion    !!FlickrGreen ~ Everyday is Earth Day!!    Начини за виждане (Ways of Seeing)    PERSONAL BEST - Preserving Meaningful Moments    PSDTUTS    Retrospect Magazine    DIGIFOTO Pro    "Unlimited Photos: No Rules" (NO AI, CGI or SL images)    Presetting Lightroom    Novatos con disparador en mano    Foro    CREATIVE IMAGE MAKER MAGAZINE    Just Amazing Photos    FOTOGRAFOS & MODELOS / PHOTOGRAPHERS & MODELS    Canon vs Nikon    Fotografe uma Ideia!    Say it with a photo    Popular Photography Magazine    Beginner photographers (Fotógrafos Iniciantes)    paper + wire magazine    The Best Picture Gallery!    Dazed and Confused - New Photographer Search    Creative Art Photography    Digital Photo Exposition ©    Photography Magazine, I Heart    Choose My Photo Flickr !!! © Official™: NEW CONTEST OPEN    N.E.E.T. Magazine    peaceful 安靜影像    Fine Art Photography (in the footsteps of the masters)    **Simply Superb (P 1- A 2)**    **Através da Minha Lente.. Through My Lens** Post 1 Award 3    World's Most Stunning Shots ***    TWiP    "Los mejores momentos de tu día"    blur magazine    Photosick - 攝影發燒友    Amateur Digital Photography Group    Favorites: 300    fave em all    The Group With No Rules v3.0    MOMENTS COMPARTITS    INDIE AND ALTERNATIVE FASHION PHOTOGRAPHY    Fotografia Fundamental    Flickr Number One !!    Nikon Imaging    Art Meets Photography    no rules Photo...........    We Can Do It    ***SCREAM OF THE PHOTOGRAPHER***    No Awards    1,000,000    我不是Pro, 但是我愛Photography!    LIFE MAGAZINE PHOTOGRAPHERS    Wow! : )    "IQ" - Image Quality    NO VIDEO ON FLICKR!!!    Travel: The World Through a Lens    Aficionados con ganas de mostrarse - Fans with desire of would.    Flickr Rank    FRAAI magazine - send us your creativity    Nikon flickr Award (Post 1 - Award 3)    This is Excellent    The world through photography    Abduzeedos    A different point of view - for photographers    Sube lo que quieras-Upload any picture you like!(Post1-Comment1)    "FUN" - Flickrs of the United Nations    10 Million Members    FlickrFreeBR    Kingdom magazine    Show me what you got    Luz mágica    Glamour Photography    The Official Digital Camera Magazine Flickr Group    "FLICKR POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHER" POST1/AWARD3 QUALITY IMAGES ONLY    LULA Magazine    1,000,000 Photos!    PhotoZone    ***** GreatShot *****    Elite Photography (Post 1 Award 2 Fave 1)    !! Fave it Up 150-230 (P1, A+F5)    Digital Photography Review    The Nikon FX Group    Amazing Capture ***No Rules, No Banning, No Sweepers***    Our Memories, Our Times    This is My Best Shot    Truly New Photographers    _The Best Of Nikon_    BEST in your stream    ! ♡ Flickrian ♡ No Rules:) Feel Free to invite your Friends!    Flickr: YOUR PHOTOS    Reflect your World (New! No Invite needed)    *My ART*    Awesome Flickr Art    Bienvenidos todos los recuerdos / All Memories Welcome    Still Images: The Art Of Photography    VINTAGE-LOOKING photography.    FlickrPortraits    " Your BEST of Today " - Through MY Eyes    Foto dell'anima.    Art of Images ~ AOI L1~ ( Post 1, Award 3) NO "AI Portraits"    !!Perfect Composition!!    *****Conceptual Photography*****    worldlightning    Flickr's Biggest Group    Nikon Club Community    !!! "The Best" Shots    Flickr's Masterpieces !!    Ambitious Photographers    Fotògrafs Catalans    Nikon Prime Lens Club    dZoom - Pasión por la Fotografia    Bokeh Masters    FlickrCentral With No Posting Limit    ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆    CTRL.ALT.SHIFT    *The Master Photographer* Post 1 Comment on 3 SWEEPER NOW ACTIVE    Beauty In The Eye Of The Beholder    Urban Photography    InstantShots    Amazing Shot    100.000.000 Flickr Photos [No AI or SL]    Amsterdam Blog Associates - Urban Creatives    Paradise by the photographers light [No AI or SL]    Groupe    *lost in translation*    Nikon Europe    La Tasca de La Fotografía    young and inspired    PLATEFORM magazine    Art Gallery of Flickr    Best Pictures of The World    New photographers of all around the world    Insight Astronomy Photographer of the Year    Sueños de principiante    THE BEST PHOTOS OF THE WORLD    Show us your best    ▲ turbo ▲    Amantes de fotografias    *FLICKR's PRO PHOTOGRAPHERS* [No AI or SL]    Model Maze Magazine    Dream Snapshots    What Do You Love?    MY CAMERA NEVER LIES (P1+A3)Sweeper Active    Welcome all the artists    ! Flickr Cafe !    ! F l i c k r | S t y l e !    NIKON "D" CLUB    VIZIOMAG art magazine    "LO VEO, ME GUSTA, ME INTERESA, LO FOTOGRAFÍO"    ***SPETTACOLARE*** for Flickr's Best Shots! Enjoy 60.000 photos    different visions    ! Flickr Lover !    all cool pictures    Flickr Overflow    Digitalphotos Magazine-Publish your photo!    all digital    AFICIONADOS A LA FOTOGRAFIA    Great Job, Flickr!    Anything really...    The Rules are "there are no rules"    Amazing+Photography    more than a snapshot    IMAG - Magazine of photography, image, graphic, art.    CUESTION DE ACTITUD    POTPOURRI MAGAZINE    DNG Photo Magazine    MOST EXCELLENT    FLICKEIROS    ☆ ImmaginariaMente ☆    INK MAGAZINE    :INTERSTIZI MAGAZINE:    Phototrend    The world of photography    Fascination and love of life    The Best of Flickr!    Carpaccio Magazine    Thinking Photography    FUEL MAGAZINE : The Power of Arts    you are awesome    Digital Photographer Magazine    The Daily Post    YEAH Magazine Contributor Search    50 MILLION PHOTOS    ! The Flickr !    The Hundred Club of Flickr    We Love lightroom    Flickr_Concursos (Invite all contacts)    UnderWorld Magazines Pool    Dicas de Fotografia    Awesome:)    ***All beautiful shots and many more.    Flickr Explore Alternative    Your most viewed and most favorited postcards (3 + 3)    A day in the life of ours...    New MaXimum (No 30/60 Groups Limit)    We have a vision/Tenemos una Visión    ***Flickr Global    Your pics and shots [No AI or SL]    *poetry of images    Digitalphotos Magazine    CHAMPIONS Photography (P.1- R6)    Pica magazine. Photography Magazine    anything may go    Depth of Field Shots (NO LIMIT)    RazorMonkey Magazine    expophoto    * All Ur Photos *    *That's MY Photo ! *    HUH. Submissions    FOTO PASION / PHOTO PASSION    FLICKR EL MÁGICO MUNDO DE LA FOTOGRAFÍA★ ;-))    B&W FLICKR - P&B FLICKR    Flickr & Friends    Alluring images    Flickr Free    ++ ENERGIA POSITIVA ++ (CLOSED)    LA MIA IMMAGINE E LA SUA POESIA    FAQMAGAZINE SUBMISSIONS    *a cinematic world *    For The Culture    Flickr Community (INVITE ALL CONTACTS)    TheDiscerningPhotographer    Flickr Social Club    Fluidr    Super Photographer (Post1 -Award 5)    Itchy Eyee    Phototuts+    "SPARTACUS" Eyes without chains    RAW Magazine Group    AKA Magazine    [][][]All Welcome[][][]    The Best Pictures of Flickr    La Mirada del fotografo y su Arte    WoOoOoW GrOuP    * * Nossas Vidas / Nosso Mundo * Our Life / Our World * *    " Colorido Color "    Holy Ghost Zine    Blog Fotografia    Stunning Shots    Tus fotos, Your pictures, Le tue foto, Tes photos,정의사진    PhotoGrafArtè    Revista Photo Magazine    INTERPHOTO*    Nikongraphy    burn magazine    Image Gallery... B&W and Colour !!! [No AI or SL]    All Safe Pics Welcome    THE BEST AMAZING PHOTOGRAPHY    FOTOGRAFIA REFLEX    unusual young submissions    Open Lab Magazine    !Portfolio of People (HIGH QUALITY, ADMIN MODERATED p1/c2)    TU FOTO ES ARTE - MINIS ABIERTOS    moments in our life    No rules only photos    Nikon D7000 Users Group    Principiantes - Beginners.    fotografia primo amore ( first love photography)    NIKON D7000 CLUB    Cajón de-sastre    Photos by The Flickr Masters    Rincones Favoritos    Camera Nuts    30 Million Photos    FLICKERIANS    Beautiful Seasons    * Open *    Tumblr photographers    Nikon!    MAZIPOS -- fanzines and itinerant exhibitions    Fotografía Libre    Flickr THE BEST    Have a Nice Day!!!    Amateur Photographers Online    ART BY FOTO    ***Friends Flickr Award***- Remember Post 1 Award 3 - Sweeper on    online photo magazine    ▲rtpixie photography    Windows Explore (aspiring to Flickr Explore)    Flickr Lovers ( Pink & Blue )    Your photo of the day ~ tu foto del día    ! *No hay camino para la paz, la paz es el camino!    Mint Magazine    ! * Improvvisa ispirazione" ஐ    Your best creation    Nikon Europe Group    Ilovefake Magazine    Photography News: Photo of the Day    Nikon D7000    BELLOS RETRATOS¬ ONLY BEAUTIFUL PORTRAITS    THE FACE UK [The cult of a Magazine]    Fstoppers    Inspirationfeed    ART PHOTOGRAPHERS Salon    TRP - Photoblography!    Viva la Vida! Alma e Cuore (P1-A5)    Fotografia DG - Foto Arte    Ars Fotografica!!    School of Digital Photography    1 billion photos    DASMAN    *MM - Artistic Photos*    Diary of a photographer [P1-C2]    Nikonistes Gironins    Vice FR flickr    FOTOpassione    SPARKAZINE    "LUMEN" ☀ Zauber des Lichtes ☼ Magic Light ✺    "Il sole,lo porti tu"    show me the art    [][][]Not only Facebook[][][]    [][][] let's work together for a better world[][][]    [][][]serenity group[][][]    The D-Photo    The Best Moments - Los Mejores Instantes    ♦♦♦ OCCHIO FOTOGRAFICO ♦♦♦    ★★Les Teves Millors Imatges/Your Best Pictures★★    ''Animals & Birds group''    THE BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB! CORDIALLY YOURS!    A Photographer [No AI or SL]    Digital Masterpiece    Télégramme Magazine    [][][]Beyond time[][][]    Best of the Best on Flickr    FlickrNova    [][][]yokopakumayoko**International Photo Gallery**[][][]    some things are better than others!!!    FINE Magazine - Photographer Search    Love for Photography ♥ Amor pela Fotografia ♥ P1/A2    SHEER MAGAZINE    1-one    [][][]The scent of photography[][][]    Digital SLR Photography Magazine    All MEMORIES Are Made Of This [pls award others]    CAJÓN DE SASTRE    ***FOTOGRAFIA EMOCION ♥ EMOTIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY***    WORLD Photography (Post 1 / Award 1)    Love for Life --- Amor pela vida! Post 1 comment 1    [][][]La Mascotte **Gallery**[][][]    [][][]100%PERFECT[][][]    Modern Vintage Photography    INTENSE photomag    ****BEAUTIFUL FLICKR COMPOSITION****    Nikon D3100,D3200, D3300,D5100,D5200,D5300,D7000,D7100 group    CRAP Magazine Search for Talent    flickr Travel Award (Post 1 - Award 3)    Simply Photos!    ThePhoblographer    Nikon DSLR Club    Nikon D7000    The world in my mirror    fotakas    Nikon D7000 Guild    [][][]Super Group Photographic[][][]    Nikon D7000 Members    NIKON D7000 CAFE    Nikon - D7000 Users    Nikon D7000    Eyes Of Nikon    ►the best shots◄ (Post 1 - Award 5)    [][][] Photos of the other world [][][]    my life is a picture...    ►the best pictures◄    WE and OUR Friends [C1-P2]    ►the best photos◄    FocusMagazine    Fotografia excelente.    The Youth of Flickr    Club D7000    Nikon D7000 fan club    Zona Kreativa    Urban Fashion and Streetwear photography    Fine Gold    Flickr Fotografias - Photo    ►the best photographs◄    Nikon D7000 UK users    A Magia da Cor !!!    Freelensers    Signatures Magazine - RIT    Union of Free Photographers    Great Images    ►the best photographies◄    These Moments (on hiatus)    Your Personal Favorite    HAPPY CAMPER MAGAZINE    FLICKR STUDIO "new photographic techniques"    FuriaMag®    NO THOUGHTS ZINE    Flickr Beginners    We are not only photographers    IHC on Flickr    Club Photoblog 攝影札記俱樂部    ALTFoto    Publickr Flickr    Awesome photos and Editions (P1 - AW 3 )    Photographer Universe    The Nikon D7000 Club    Compañeros de afición    Amateur Exclusive    " AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING " (POST1~AWARD2)    The smirk magazine subscriptions    Fotar & Aprender    Photolove Magazine    Flickr Explore Me    Apunta, dispara    Audubon magazine    Enquire Mag    AFF-FOCUS PHOTOGRAPHY ASSOCIATION    Fluster Magazine -    Pasion Nikon D7000    Show Flickr Your Photography    Best Shot of the Day (1 post - 3 awards to give)    Surprise Magazine    "Creative Photographer"    Flickr OBSESSION'    Every picture tells a story...    Simply Photography !!!    NIKON - D7000 (aka D7k) Noobies    The NATURAL Abstraction of Nature [P1-C2]    Pop Photo's Photo of the Day    PHLEARN    Daniel's Pic Pocket    NIKON club D7000    Flickr Photos Club    ♥ ♥ ♥ IMMAGINI - FOTO - SENTIMENTI ♥ ♥ ♥    Anything You're Proud Of!!    Fotógrafos Amadores e Profissionais    Young photographers all around the world    -- Passione...fotografica POST 1 - AWARD 2    Putting Photography First    The Magnificent Photos    -NIKON "D"    !MY PHOTOGRAFIC WORLD!    Still**Life - Street Photography    Tire Fotos, Deixe Apenas Pegadas... P3/A5    show me your best pics ever    [][][]A world of photography[][][]    50 Millions Photos    Photoplus    We See It Magazine - Contributor Search    GP-MAGAZINE -Contributor Group-    El rincón del fotógrafo    Novel Magazine    100 MILLION PHOTOS !!!!!    Flickr Click Perfect - Flickr Click Perfeito.    ` FLICKR ´    Matt Granger - GYGO    PFB Magazine    ***PHOTO OF OUR MEMORIES***    Phototech le mag    Your Creations. Come to life    WOLF MAGAZINE    Callejeros / street photography / Fotografia callejera    TLP - Travel Light Photography    ♦♦♦ PHOTO VERY NICE ♦♦♦    Quality Photographers - Quality Pictures [CONTEST#8 - Contemplat    Fotògrafs Gironins    JPeople Magazine    Flickr Photographer    Creative shooters    La Fotografia como Hobby    One Frame Mag (submissions)    My favorite works of my Flickr friends    N-Photo Mag    iCapture    Art at a Glance    Imaxen    Photos - All you want    Журнал Фотомастерская/Photoworkshop magazine    *Infinite Images    Your Best Shot For Today    Nikon Photographs    FotoPasión    (un)usual    World Through The Lens    We love it !    A Photographers View    Caffè Fotografico    Naturalis Magazine    .Get Inspired! Magazine International Photography    PLYM Magazine    -- Only images and picture quality - P1 /C2    Your view through the camera lens    Gianna Magazine    Waterfall Art Zine    Flickr Hall of Fame    The very best of me    Digital Camera World    Good photo,good details--Film preferred    Anything Nikon!!    - O Mundo Através das Lentes    The Best of Your D7000    Universal Art    The Flickr Hub    ART Selected By ADMINISTRATORS *Public Group (P1 ~ A 3)Level 1    1 Quadrillion Pix    Magazine Call for Submissions    Temporary Youth Zine    Libro de Fotos / Photo Book    We Shoot RAW    GOOD PICTURES. NO RULES    Simples assim    Click of Art    flickr (unofficial)    conceptual inspirational art & photography    No Rules & No Limit!    Melhor Ângulo    PhotoOfYourDay    You see what I see...    ``Freelance Photographers``    [][][] Flickr. DNA [][][]    Creative idea    About FOTO Cult    Flickr center    Sarmad Magazine    Photography Week    A Magnificent Photography & Awesome Arts .!!Post 1 Award 2.!    Fotografías Sin Límites (FSL)    Cool picture world of nothing    Flickr, through your viewfinder P1/A5 if you have time    flickr clickx    A to Z photography    Paradise of photography    Fotofactory.    Kinfolk Magazine    Qualquer fotografia    Nikon Camera Club    Fotografe seu estilo!    " 2 Thumbs Up "    Masters of creative photography. NO AI    Universal Arts    CryptoSocio    *Capture It!*    Photo Fans - Amantes de la fotografía    Cazadores de Imágenes NO 30/60    Photography Masterclass Magazine Official Flickr Group    Street Photography Magazine    Glass Eyes Magazine    Dreams Magazine    It's Free    Expo Gallery    I love Flickr ♥    flickr every day!    World Photographers' Photos WPP    The Passion of Photography    Momento Yahoo!    Digital SLR Life    Our best collection    Nikon DSLR Photographers    Spirit Magazine Submissions    When art speaks to you...ovvero...Quando l'arte ti parla...    Inmense Magazine    3:mezzi    Aspiring Stock Photographers    Sube lo que quieras / Up what you want    Young Photographers Magazine    Amaze me please    Payurshots    100 Views Unlimited    Whats your style?    Flickr-eyes    best images    Flickr cola فليكر كولا    ALL- NO LIMITS    CanonTURK Flickr Grubu    Photographer's dreams - your favourite clicks    dejfex photostream    Awesome Photography!    Digital Photo Mag    Amazing scenery    Photographers from around the world    Our World In Photographs    My flickr's friends' photos    Real life global    400 Views Unlimited    Photo Digital Club    The Photograph Factory    Absolute Quality Gallery    AARH Magazine    STREETFASHION MAGAZINE    My time behind the lens No 30/60 limits    ¡Congela tu momento! # Freeze your moment!    Portfolio Explore    "Fantastic Photos International" (post 1~comment 1)    "Daily Photos International" (post 1 ~ comment 1)    Images About Almost Anything    I AM THE BEST PHOTOGRAPHER    Camerapixo Photography Magazine    TODAS TUS FOTOS- ALL YOUR PHOTOS!!!    Just Awesome Pictures    french france magazine    Great ,Not so Great ,If you Like it Great Photography    Good - Clik    Photograph Nirvana    Flickr No1 Pics    IG Photographers    TOURISM magazine    All Photographers & Photographs welcome!    The Best Photo Sharing Group On Flickr ...Oh Yeah !!!    Your best of the best    Digital or Film? Take your pic!    Creative View    Curious Interestingness    Photo's passion of the world    RAWspot Photo of the Day    Everything Creative    The Whattaroll Magazine Motion Issue Submissions Pool    We love cameras    The Best ...    Rewind Magazine    My Best Picture    A FEAST FOR MY EYES (Public Group)    ORIGINAL PHOTO    The magic of freezing time    your most beautiful pictures    Fine Art Photographs    Fotografía Principiantes    Beautiful and Creative Photography    Nikon DSLR, body and lens    ㋡ flickr ○● DEPOT ㋡    Photographers Gallery 5    || Mixed up Photography ||    阿刘摄影研究会    More Digital Photography    Nikon D7000 / D7100 España / Spain    Catalans al mon    !*ALL ARE WELCOME*!    Unique Moments    Amateur Photographer Magazine    ROMP! 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