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Taken on: October 4, 2014
Sets appears in:   Connecticut   
Groups appears in:   Museum    35mm - Photography    more » Space Exploration    Film    i, ANALOG    canon photography    Reflections    Magic Moments    What's your angle, buddy?    AE-1 (Canon film camera)    Artistic Photography    Away from Home    35mm *FILM* Photographers    I Shoot Film    35mm Photography    Color and Colors - No computer-generated posts.    Flickr Addicts    REFLECTIONS / DISTORTIONS    Indie Film    Flags - from countries all around the World...    I Love My Canon    On Film and In Focus    Grain is Good    Bokeh Galore (No BOrders)    50mm (The original 50mm group)    28mm or wider    Cinematic Moments.    Analog Photography    Flickritis: over 87,000 waiting for a vaccine.    Lonely Planet    analog    v i n t a g e    canon film photography    I Hate Digital!    FlickrToday (only 1 pic per day)    Self-Portraits!    This    Canon AE1    28mm and Score    ANYTHING ALLOWED!!!!!!    My Everyday Life    The Cinematographer    Low light photography    Life is Art!    Cinematic Photography    Analogue Photography    Lonely People    28mm ONLY    ♥ Film Vs. Digital ♥    Canon AE-1 Program    Sad and Beautiful World    Manual Focus    The Film Group    28mm (or equivalent)    Kodak Fans    I Love Film    film class    They Shoot Film, Don't They?    scanned photographs    Film? Because thats how we roll beyotch, dirtay.    FILM* Club    U_MAG    I Shoot Kodak Film    ! ART & PHOTOGRAPHY ! All artistic works welcome    Film-friendly folks.    Film is not Dead!!    Grainy, Blurry, Yet Good    I bring my camera everywhere (no 30/60 limit)    You Think this is Art    Beautiful Capture    bokeh whores    I collect light    Film Photography    Flickriver    Existing-Light Photography    Kodak Portra Lovers    FILMISM    Endangered Film    epson v500    銀鹽同學會 Film Club    ALL ABOUT FILM    Slow pace living 慢活 * with film cameras *    scanned film    ffffound!    This is why I love Film    Film & Slides Scanning    Film Destroyers    分享你的銀鹽照片(中文討論群組)    the resurrection of film: film is back    Can't Stop Shooting Film!    Love & Light.    Film Lovers    *****FROM MY LENS*****    last day of magic!    Film Only    *****Conceptual Photography*****    °°ANALOGIC FOREVER°°    Vintage Analogue    Inspirational Photography    Film is Awesome!    Ambitious Photographers    Analog Bokeh    ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆    *lost in translation*    Future is Analogue    Keep The Analog Alive    Film Power    ANALOFILM    film shooter    lovely existence    FILM.    Analog Soul    Film Not Dead in Daily Life    I LOVE FILM!    All Things Film    Canon Classics    菲林不死 film is NOT dead    Film Photography Techniques    ***Flickr Global    t r i v i a l i t i e s    Analoguemasters    MILF (Man, I Love Film)    the enchanted land    HUH. Submissions    35mm color film    28mm is my Favorite    Classic Film Shooters    write it on a postcard    FILM - An Abstract Point of View    film.forever.    EEF . Escuela de Fotografía    film will never die    I am film    artland    Upgrade to Film    Open Lab Magazine    Vintage Feel    Manual Focusing    The Vacant Fever Collective    S † E L L ∆ R    Honk If You Love Film    magic in the air    Return To Film - roll film only    Being There    fotografi_    photo addicts    july flame    Film photography (best works)    . film first    Color Film Photos    ThePhoblographer    Quality Film Photography    FilmPhoto    Film_Freaks Δ    film means something to us    photon speaking    I LOVE FILM 『我 愛 菲 林 』    Analog is better    Taking photographs is painting with light.    Paroxysm    Tales on Film    World in Film    Analog Adventures In Photopia    Film's not Dead    Le COOL    FlickrDaily    FILM FRENZY    Grainy Pleasures    the film diary    Analogue Sunrise    Keep Us Alive. . ( Film Only )    I Put Films In My Camera.    VERY NICE CAPTURES    A look through 35mm film    BUY FILM NOT MEGAPIXELS    Canon analog Camera    Flickr Photographer    We Use Film    I heart film! (Analogue Love!)    Film Wins    Film Vision    Film Party ∞ 底片派對    I (still) shoot FILM    *    The Language of Vintage ƒilm    Organiconcrete    Yabba dabba doo!    Film Is Your Friend    Good photo,good details--Film preferred    let your imagination ☺    flickr (unofficial)    Art Deserves Film    † film    Forever FILMS    The Analogue Revival    28mm is normal on APS-C    Film Explosion    Analogue Soul    m▲gic n▲ture    digital is the devil    Shoot Film & Save Your Soul    Fanatical About Film    Film Photography Journal    The film shots    The Map's In Your Soul    Film is God Official Flickr Group.    Kodak Portra 800    Indie Film Lab    Life Is Out There    We Love Grain    Film Addicts    Film Is a Passion    Shooting Film    Film Love <3    【film】光について    Analog World Travel    ...that certain feeling    Only Analogue    35mm Photographer    analogue photographers    28mm for 28days- feb 2013    Lomo/analog experiences    Standard Film    Relaxing and Interesting...    /r/analog    Perfect Imperfections on FILM    flickr every day!    brilliant flickr    The Passion of Photography    We Are Kodak    SAD BOY CLUB    illumination focus    All of Flickr!:)♥    ✿ Analog Photography ✿    Canon    Rewind Magazine    we still care    Film film    35mmgallery    ! Analogue...Dare to post?    Film is our life, deal with it.    Flickr Social    The Film is Eternity    FILM // A SENSE OF SILENCE    FLICKROGRAPHY    Canon AE1 ( also Program) !NEW!    Anything - 18+. Your best! NO KIDS PIX    Forth Magazine    Filmphotography (1/day) - February contest now open!    Art of Exploration    flickr world wide    LIFE - Quality Pictures    --Take me, I'm Yours    _Atoms_    Fotoviajeros    CHEMICAL PROCESS [a group about film]    True Grain    Only Film    LOST AT LAST    *****everything & everybody (and perhaps a little bit more)*****    Through the Medium    Film is Love, Film is Life    - Anolog Film Old & New Story -    Flying Films    ISO magazine    the U!    You, your cam and a mirror    Old school film (Pure Photography)    "I'll Be Your Mirror"    « less
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